Wednesday, August 12, 2009

R.A.V.E. 2 S.A.V.E, happened on 25 th July 2009 @ KDU Petaling Jaya, Malaysia...

Its a charity event desired to aid missions that provide shelter and care to unwanted and abused animals, especially the recent rescue mission of the abandoned dogs in Pulau Ketam that the SPCA has already started.

At the end of this event that was organized by the students of KDU College, they have collected and donated a total of RM 9K (Malaysian Ringgit Nine Thousand) to SPCA Selangor... the largest sum of donation from schools that SPCA has ever received in the past few years.

And, yesterday the natives got a call from Zoo Negara, and told us that the Zoo managing director liked the draft of the video that we gave that day, and that we can continue to proceed on to making of the corporate video of the Zoo Negara...

.. Yeah~!